Tips To Improve Your Child’s Reading

Tips To Improve Your Child’s Reading

Tips To Improve Your Child's Reading

Reading is highly important for a child’s academic achievement but some struggle with it and many parents aren’t sure how to proceed in helping their child. Only you know your child the best and they can truly benefit from one-on-one time with you leading them to reading success. If you’re unsure of where to start, consider the following suggestions that can help your children become successful readers:

Read to Your Child Daily

Reading is a significant aspect of school (education) and children love to be read to. By reading to your child every day, whether it’s a specific time each day or every night, you can help them better their vocabulary, reading comprehension, and understanding of words. Regardless of how old your child is, their desire to learn to read on their own will enhance every time you read to them.

Make Books Readily Available To Your Child

A child who can easily pick up a book will also have a better chance of reading success. Try to choose material that is relative to your child’s age and reading level, including books and magazines. Don’t keep everything in one spot. Spread them out so that whatever room they’re in, they have the option to read something if they choose. You might be surprised at how often children will pick up a book if it’s readily available to them.

Involve the Whole Family in Reading

Whether you have one child or multiple children it’s important to involve the entire family for story or reading time. You don’t need to set aside a lot of time. Anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour each day can significantly improve your child’s reading success. Many might call this ‘quiet’ time in which family members are encouraged to choose their favorite book and everyone sits down to read independently, but altogether at the same time. This ensures your child is getting a minimum of 15 minutes every day to enhance their reading ability.

Don’t Just Read at Home

It’s important to encourage your child to read any opportunity that fits. If you’re out to eat, let them look at the menu to choose their own meal. As you’re driving down the road, have them read certain signs you come across. If you’re playing a family game, let your child read the instructions; sure they may need a little help but their confidence will boost each time they read something new. There are also some comfortable places with cushy Miller-Knoll furniture or a nice atmosphere where you can cozy up and read.

Take Advantage of Public Libraries

A library is a great place for your child to explore so many different books and allow them to choose what they want to read. Giving them this opportunity can really improve their reading success. Register with your local library and encourage them to check out books at their school library. Every couple of weeks, take your child to the local library and exchange books. You might also consider seeing what programs the library is offering that might also help your child. Getting to meet with children their own age who are also learning to read could excite them and spike their interest in reading.

Be Supportive and Enthusiastic

Your attitude and enthusiasm for your child’s reading ability can make a world of difference. They look up to you and what you think, so by continuously showing your support and actively displaying your enthusiasm for their improvement, they will most likely be eager to continue learning to read. Praise them every time they read something and get excited when they achieve a new level of reading.

Be Involved With Their Progress

Educate yourself on what skills they should know for their grade or age level. If they’re in school you can get this information there. Otherwise, you can research the appropriate skills for their age. During school, you can stay up to date on their progress through standard tests and regular report cards. At home, you can work with them and see just how much progress they’re making every day.

Watch for Reading Problems

Some children may have a hard time reading. Not all teachers will detect this until the problems have progressed. By detecting any struggles they may have early on, you can help them overcome them and increase their chances for reading success. Determine any problems by seeing how well they can sound out different words, understand sight words, how they use context in order to identify words unknown to them, and simply how well they actually understand what they’re reading.

Get Help from Read Smart!

Reading problems do not magically disappear with time. The earlier your child can get reading help, the more likely they will become good readers. Make sure your children receive the necessary help from a reading tutor, like Read Smart as soon as you discover a problem. Read Smart is a Tulsa reading tutor program that works!

For a free reading evaluation for your child or just for more information, contact us today!

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