Methods on how to teach children to read

Methods on how to teach children to read

Methods on how to teach children to read

Reading is a skill that must be practiced just like any other skill. There are some great tricks that you can use to help your child learn to read. These tricks are geared towards younger children but can easily be adjusted for older children as well.

Start With The Basics – The Alphabet

Every letter in the alphabet has a sound. Learning the basic sounds that go with each letter is a big step in learning how to read. Of course, as your child advances, they will discover that these letters can have different sounds when paired with other letters, but that is in the future. For now, stick with the basic sounds that go with each letter.

For example, if you teach your child the sound for the letters N -O- W, they will be able to sound out the word now and win with ease. The same goes for all the smaller words. Being able to master two and three-letter words provides your child with a sense of accomplishment and will encourage them to keep reading.

Start With The Basics – The Alphabet


FlashCards For Sight Words

Sight words do not necessarily sound out like they are spelled but are used so commonly that your child will recognize them with practice and know what they mean. Most educators believe that there are at least 200 sight words that a child will know by first grade. These can be small words like “it, and, the, a, he, she, I, if” and similar words like these.

You can practice with your child using flashcards to learn these sight words and their meanings. If you want to take it one step further, have your child help you make flashcards with these words. Hands-on activities are always beneficial.

FlashCards For Sight Words


Play Word Games

You can find different word games that are designed for your child’s age group. Word games are fun and incorporate playtime into learning time. Your child may not even realize that the point of the game is to learn to read; they will just be focused on the game.

You can also make up your own word games. Have your child find different sight words when you are out running errands. They can look at products at the store or billboards or road signs. Wherever they may be able to spot some of the sight words you are learning.

Play Word Games


Consider A Reading Tutor

If your child is having difficulty with their reading skills, it may be beneficial to have a reading tutor. Reading tutors give your child the benefit of having the skills of a teacher with individual attention like a parent. It is a great way to enhance everything you are doing to help your child learn to read.

Being a strong reader will help your child in every area of their life. It will help them in school, extracurricular activities, clubs, and eventually at their job. Being a solid reader can even help them during playtime or while making arts and crafts. Helping your child boost their reading skills is a gift of a lifetime.

Consider A Reading Tutor

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