6 Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School – Now What?

6 Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School – Now What?

6 Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School - Now What?

Struggles. We all have them. And children are no exception. But when a child struggles in school, it can be particularly difficult on them. It can impact not only their education, but also their self-esteem.

At Read Smart, we understand how frustrating it can be when a child struggles in school. We’ve designed a program to help struggling readers overcome and succeed in life. Our skilled teachers work with students and give them tools to overcome their reading challenges so their education and self-esteem can soar.

When a child struggles in school, it’s important to identify the cause of the challenges and develop strategies to overcome. Begin by realizing you’re not alone, and there is help available at school, and in the community.

Learning to overcome challenges is a skill everyone needs in order to succeed in life. So, if your child has struggles in school, look at it as an opportunity to help them gain success in both academics and life by learning the valuable tools necessary to face a challenge and overcome it. The earlier you address the struggles your child has, the better.

Here are some signs your child may be struggling in school:

1. Acting out

If you have a well-behaved child and they start to have behavior problems at school, they may be struggling in school. Some children may choose to act out during school to take the attention off the fact that they are struggling, frustrated, or upset about their poor performance in school.

2. Sudden changes regarding your child’s relationship with school

If your child suddenly won’t discuss school, or how their day went, it could be a sign they are struggling in school. If their attitude toward school suddenly changes, and they seem distant, angry, bored, or overly quiet, they are likely not satisfied with how things are going. Sometimes kids get bored simply because they don’t comprehend what is being taught.

3. Poor grades

When a child gets bad grades consistently, it’s often because they simply haven’t grasped the material being taught to them at school. Bad grades are evidence there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Talk with your child and their teachers about their grades at least after they receive each report card.

4. Changes in sleeping or eating habits

Disruptions to regular eating or sleeping patterns can sometimes be the result of children having difficulty in school and worrying about it. Young children don’t want to disappoint their parents, and if they are unable to keep up with their schoolwork, they may get overly concerned about it. Older children are often keenly aware that falling behind in school can negatively impact their plans for the future.

5. Too much time on homework

When a child spends excessive amounts of time on their homework, it may be because they don’t comprehend what is being taught. Take time to become familiar with your child’s typical homework routine, and if it changes and becomes excessive, that’s a flag they are likely struggling.

6. Keep an eye out for changes in patterns

Does your child get super upset after school? Do they try to miss school on test days?

Now what?

  • Support your child. Let them know you are there for them and ready to work together toward solutions to help them overcome their struggles in school.
  • Encourage your child. Children may get discouraged when they struggle in school. Provide sincere encouragement in the areas your child is succeeding in.
  • Be your child’s advocate. Take the initiative to talk with your child’s teachers about problem areas, and work together to coordinate solutions that can be implemented at school and at home.
  • Do whatever it takes to give your child the tools to overcome. Don’t give up. If your first attempt at a solution doesn’t work, try a different approach.
  • Reach out for solutions. Take your child to the doctor to address or rule out any medical situation that may have contributed to their struggles in school. Get an eye exam, and let your primary care physician know what types of struggles your child is having. He or she may play an integral part in a solution.
  • Get a reading evaluation. Read Smart offers free reading evaluations, and can help your child succeed in life. The compassionate teachers at Read Smart can help kids who struggle to overcome.

Read Smart helps kids catch up, keep up, and excel in reading. Check out our video reviews from parents and kids.

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